Agenda of the Season: Time to Get Summer Fit!
“Move with intent. Eat with intent. Live with intent.
The fruits of your efforts will shape who you are now and define your life tomorrow.”
It's the first full week of June, and it finally feels like the start of summer! While the afternoons are still sprinkled with occasional rain in Colorado and Illinois, your season of steps has officially begun! Time to take advantage of the hikes in the clouds, morning tennis games, sunset soccer games, water skiing, walks in the park, kayaking, and much more.
Maximizing your efforts takes intention and ambition, though. It requires focusing on your strength, endurance, and range of motion. It requires the confidence to build your best self! We all approach the studio with varying levels of fitness, wired physical and mental habits, injuries, needs, and wants. Your job this summer, actually today, is to commit yourself to a new height of awareness, accountability, and adaptation.
Each week, I will email new exercises/programs to test, fitness/dietary resources to review, and requests to see your movement intentions. It's time to soar above your former self! Look at the sections below for a breakdown of my flowery rhetoric above.
How do you know where you're going without knowing where you are? Your beginning starts with an awareness of your physical, mental, and emotional being. Read my book Redefine Yourself. It's meant to be a palatable, easy read to help you reflect on the fears, insecurities, self-talk, and other influences on your mental processes and habits. Most importantly, the sections on decision-making processes and problem-solving approaches truly define how most people approach their personal and professional lives (and what they need to adapt). I also recommend reading Atomic Habits by James Clear. His book will help you curate routines of mindful habits (necessary for sustainable change and, uhm, less body fat :)).
Real success is more than being accountable to moi (your favorite LoHi personal trainer)'s being accountable to yourself. Of course, we'll schedule our standard weekly sessions to build your routine and discuss your fitness and dietary efforts. I'll also watch your every move with your goals, needs, wants, and injuries in mind. That isn't enough, though. I'd love to program all my personal training clients like robots to move constantly, eat ideally, sleep the proper amount, and go to many concerts (maybe?), but all of you are perfectly imperfect humans, and I would feel guilty when I drink wine. Our intention here is to set intentions and hold ourselves to it. Sending me your weekly movement plans (and scheduling them in your calendar), creating a dietary plan with guiding principles, checking your weight and body fat at the studio (not emotionally for everyone, don't feel obligated), and consistently reading health and fitness resources to shape your unconscious and develop a healthy autopilot are steps you can take. Although nothing is ever required, any of these intentions might be the necessary steps to set your summer of sculpting on fire!
I need a favor from you. I was hoping you could become a human scientist and accept my long-winded, thoughtful emails, articles, podcast episodes, and session rants as resources to ponder, extract, and plant into your life. I need you to test, test, and test until you find the right pieces that fit into the beautiful puzzle of you. We're not changing you; just adapting a lifetime of habits to create a new normal. And, this takes patience, curiosity, and ambition. Whether you dive in completely or dip your toe in, take on the often-daunting process of physical change headfirst. Don't fear it-face it. You don't need to change everything, just a bit here and there, and allow it to accumulate. Commit to a 10% pivot in your current approach, and you might be surprised.
As an author, a personal trainer in Denver, and podcast host, Michael Moody has helped personal training clients achieve new fitness heights and incredible weight loss transformations since 2005. He also produces the wellness podcast "The Elements of Being" and has been featured on NBC, WGN Radio, and PBS.
Michael offers personal training to Denver residents who want to meet at the 2460 W 26th Ave studio….or in their homes throughout LoHi (80206), LoDo (80202), RiNo (80216), Washington Park (80209), Cherry Creek (80206, 80209, 80243, 80246, 80231), and Highlands (80202, 80211, 80212). Michael also offers experiences with a personal trainer in Jefferson Park (80211) and Sloan's Lake (80204, 80212).